Friday, July 10, 2015

North Korean leader executes aquarium boss following turtles’ death

Kim Jong-un
The Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, has ordered the execution of the leader of an aquarium after dozens of baby turtles starved to death, according to DailyNK, an Asian news agency.
The North Korean tyrant was seen angrily wagging his finger at staff during a visit to the terrapin farm recently in pictures released by the state media.
He launched into a tirade after workers claimed many baby reptiles were dying because of the country’s frequent power outages and a lack of adequate food supplies. The Supreme Leader then ordered the execution of the terrapin farm’s manager, who was taken outside and shot to death.
An unnamed North Korean source said: “The manager was shot and killed after Kim Jong-un made his field guidance tour to the terrapin farm near Taedong River in Pyongyang.
“He was executed because some of the tanks were not adequately supplied with food and water, leading to the death of a lot of terrapins.”
The young leader reportedly wanted to ‘set an example’ and ordered the boss to be executed, two separate North Korea insiders also claimed.
Kim Jong-un is no stranger to capital punishment. He has ordered the executions of 1,382 people since the year 2000, a report from the Korean Institute for National Unification claimed this week. Last month he executed his new airport architect because he didn’t like the design.

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